
On 18.03.2024 DRG4Food held the Kick-Off Meeting for the 4 winner projects of Open Call #1

We are glad to announce, that today the Kick-off meeting for the 4 winners of the first DRG4Food Open Call was held and that our project NutriWell was ranked 2nd out of more than 80 participants!

About NutriWell

NutriWell will develop five Building blocks (enablers) that can be integrated into the DRG4Food Toolbox and in various solutions related to the “Targeted nutrition” use-case. Each of those enablers is related to specific Digital Responsibility Goals (DRGs).

 The primary target group will be elderly people (65+), but in the next stage the solution will be expanded towards other citizen groups as well.
The Living Lab methodology will be used to implement our Social innovation & Citizen engagement strategy. Living Labs are open innovation ecosystems in real-life environments using iterative feedback processes throughout a lifecycle approach of an innovation to create sustainable impact. They focus on co-creation, rapid prototyping, testing and scaling-up innovations & businesses, providing joint-values and benefits to the involved stakeholders.