About the NutriWell Project
Nutrition AI for Well-being and Social Inclusion
Dedicated to comfort living for all
A Horizon Europe Project funded via DRG4Food
The NutriWell project has indirectly received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation action programme, via the DRG4FOOD – Open Call #1 issued and executed under the DRG4FOOD project (Grant Agreement no. 101086523).
Personalized meal planning, smart tools, and social connection
NutriWell will develop five AI based building blocks (enablers) that can be integrated into the DRG4Food Toolbox and in various solutions related to the “Targeted nutrition” use-case. The primary target group will be elderly people (65+), but in the next stage the solution will be expanded towards other citizen groups as well.
– Nutrition Data Space (Generic Enabler), a multi-domain public data space containing anonymized food/nutrition related data, medical data; non-medical data; user generated data, AI generated data, etc. (DRG#7,1,2,3 & 4)
– Users personal data wallet adapter (Specific Enabler), a service for personal data storage containing personal data, health and medical profiles (DRG#7,1,2,3&4);
– AI nutrition plan generator (Specific Enabler) – it generates nutrition plan based on medical and wellbeing profiles (DRG#5,1,2,3 & 4);
– AI cuisine allocator (Specific Enabler) – it generates menus for individuals based on their nutrition plan and their choice for a specific cuisine (e.g. Bulgarian and Greek).(DRG#5,1, 2,3 & 4);
– Social cooking organiser (Specific Enabler) – it allows users with similar nutrition plans and menus to exchange experiences, cooking together (DRG#6, 1,2,3 & 4).
For each DRG we will utilise additional individual enablers from the toolbox of the i4Trust platform. i4Trust brings an integrated suite of mature open standard-based technology building blocks coming from FIWARE and iSHARE that contribute to building trust and enables easy and secure data sharing between data consumers and data suppliers, with active involvement (including – permission) of data owners. Using dataU (FOODITY) is also envisaged.
Advanced Technologies
Technology & Innovation
The proposed building blocks are based upon FIWARE Context Broker technology – a CEF Building Block. iSHARE scheme is also compatible with eIDAS, a CEF Building Block that electronically identifies users from all across Europe.
dataU – GDPR compliant data-sharing Infrastructure (used in FOODITY ecosystem), based on the H2020-PoSeID-on project and developed by.
Edamam technologies – a leading global provider of nutrition data and analytic providing access to food, recipes, calories and nutrient database
Personalized meal planning, smart tools, and social connection
Impact & Scalability
- EU level: Data Privacy, Security, AI/ML, AI Robustness, Data Responsibility, Transparency, and alignment with DRGs. Contribution to Food 2030, DRG4Food, FOODITY, EDS, GAIA-X, BDVA.
- Regional level (Widening countries, Ukraine) – a proposal for an Excellence Hub named Balkan Foodity Hub was submitted (March 7th – BG, RO, GR).
- National level: development of national Nutrition Data Space to support smart services.
The solutions have a strong opportunity to scale up nationally, regionally, EU and globally.
Project Strategy based upon Social Innovation & Citizen Engagement
Living Labs Methodology
Utilizing the experience of SDA and the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL)
Open Innovation Ecosystems
Real-life environments using iterative feedback processes throughout a lifecycle approach
Co-creation, rapid prototyping, testing and scaling-up innovations & businesses
Project Partners
Targeted innovations for personal and social wellbeing
Innova Living develops and deploys Web based platforms and services that deliver strong and measurable impact on the health and active living of people with special focus on senior citizens and their families.
Strengthen the academic-industry relations
A non-profit, non-governmental organisation dedicated to do applied research and to develop innovative business and technology ideas and systems, supporting development of a digitally enhanced innovation ecosystem and its growth and empowerment.
Aid the sustainable development, entrepreneurship and initiative
A resource centre for testing innovations in the field of culture and digital transformation, research, analysis and educational programs that create conditions for permanent dialogue between civil society, creative communities, business, academic institutions and the Sofia Municipality.