
The finalized and fully functional NutriWell platform was presented to the end-users in a Demonstration meeting

We were proud to announce in front of the end-users, that the NutriWell platform is finalized and fully operational! The platform was demonstrated in its entirety, with special focus on the benefits, coming from the functionality of every specific module:

  • Personal data wallet – definition of personal wellbeing and nutrition profile:
    • Personal data like birthdate, height and weight
    • Physical Activity Level
    • Nutrition labels and Dietary requirements
    • Unwanted Food Processing, etc.
  • AI Nutrition Plan Generator – AI enhanced generation of a personal nutrition plan for a certain period
    • Select Personal Goal
    • Configure Macronutrients Ratio
    • Select and Configure Daily Meals Ratio
    • Daily Meal Details
    • Select Date Range and Cuisines
    • Display and analyse the generated Meal Plans, compare KPIs, etc.
  • AI Cuisine Allocator – convert your meal plans from one cuisine to another
  • Social Cooking Organiser – socialise while preparing your meal plans
    • Group functionality – manage own group, join other groups
    • Group chats
    • Share files with other users
    • Arrange online, offline or mixed mode meetings to socialise and cook together

Mr. Vladislav Jivkov, CEO of Innova Living opened the meeting and shortly introduced the project, the funding project DRG4Food, the context and the specific modules.

Then he gave the floor to the special guest Desislava Gyurova, Associate Professor in the National Center of Public Health and Analyses (NCPHA). Mrs. Gyurova provided valuable details on the Bulgarian database of nutrients developed in NCPHA and used by the European database for ingredients – EuroFIR.

Prof. Roumen Nikolov and Assoc. Prof. Alexander Chikalanov from the NutriWell team, added valuable insights on some specific aspects of the project.

The event was streamed online and it can be seen on the following link:

A group of users joined the event online through a meeting platform.

The overall final feedback that the end-users provided, was very positive and the only question was when the platform will be publicly available so it can be used.

Other related projects communicated within the context of NutriWell: DRG4Food, HealthyW8, FOODITY and ExcellCity.